"orang yg memendam perasaan cenderung menghidap kanser....
orang yg cepat marah cenderung menghidap sakit jantung.."..(ustaz hasrizal pade status fb..)
haha..sy terasa sy ni bakal kene kanser nih..hahah...kanser apekah??..huhu...bahaye..bahaye...xmaula....
"i just need someone who really care about me....it's ok if his not beside me...
but i hope that his always remember me..always think about me...
i feel so sad when i'm not in a good mood...and i hope his always there for me...
when i have a problem...i want him to be my superman...haha.. "
can i have someone like this??
tak tau la nape bile nk mencurah perasaan ni kene speaking plak...cm malu la plak nk ckp melayu...nanti jd ayt geli geleman....hahha...
"i really need someone who can understand me...
someone who can accept me the way i am..
someone who can be my listener..
someone who always love me like i always love him.."
can i wish someone like this??
forgive me if my English is not so good....haha...teruknye...teringat bos ckp "org kt blkg(worker) tu sume tak pandai bhs inggeris"...eleh mcm bos terer bhs melayu...haha...
"i want happiness like the others..
u jump...i jump...."
can i have someone like this?...
tp bkn bunuh dirila...haha...sy slalu terpkir...tak nak mati sorang2...nak mati dgn org yg tersayang....kalo cmni takdela masing2 rase kehilangan...masing2 rase kesunyian...
sy tau pemikiran cm ni membuatkan kite lupe tentang qada' dan qadar Tuhan...bertentangan dgn ajaran islam...
Ya Allah...ampunkanla dosa hamba Mu ini...
yang mungkin tidak layak menjadi hamba Mu...
"i really need someone who can share his thought to me..
i really need someone who can explain to me when i'm not understand...
i really need someone who's not only as my lover..
but also as my best friend,
as my companion,
as my healer,
as my mechanic,
as my electrician,
as my organiser...and...
as my....everything..."
is that to much to wish someone like that?
hahha....ade yg melampau kt situ...4-5 words kt atas tu curik ayt org..sape ntah forward kat sy...hahah...
i hope that one day....my wish will come true...