Monday, August 09, 2010


assalamualaikum...n hi...

dear friends...
lately i've been thinking about life...wut shud i do n wut shud i don't...

n more about love....
shud i move forward or shud i leave aside...

but in d ends....i still don't know wut to do..
i'm getting 24 years in this month......
wut shud i do in my life...
shud i continue my part 2 study or master?....but not now......confirmed!
i wonder............
if part 2.......i want to be architect or not?.....i think....maybe not....i don't know...
if master....wut kind of s2dy shud i choose?.........argh...still confuse...but i want to do coursework....not research!

shud i miss him or not?..........i'm not important to him....i guess...

like always.......meluahkan perasaan kene speaking~~hehehe


  1. pleh yg terbek utk drimu wahai sakura :)),,miss him??hohoo.. sapekah gerangan??sumtimes xslh sumtimes kna gak lpekan if skit ati agy byk dr yg mgmbirekan ~~

  2. ehehehe.. yeayy.. of kos its speaking time...

    shikin.. aku rasa kite kne bersyukur kot.. wpon ada bf, n bf jauh.. mybe kita masih dilindungi.. try to thnk +ve.. kalu dok jauh, sgt jarang msg, sgt jrg kol.. bukan ke itu lbh baik?? at least kite dpt jaga iman n jga diri, dpt jauhkn diri dr maksiat..

    las few weeks.. aku seolah2 dberi teguran berkaitan hidup.. jadi, aku bertekad nk jd manusia n hamba allah yg lebh baik.. i'allah, aku akan sentiasa mencuba.. kite akan sntiasa mencuba kn?? =)

    n ade jugak seorg hamba allah dtg n bgtau aku psl solat istikharah... solat istkharah bukn je dilakukan bila timbul masalah jodoh.. tp kita perlu didik diri kita utk buat istikharah slalu eventho berdepan dgn masalah kecik or confuse.. aku xsabar nk wat istkharah lg2 dh masuk bulan ramadhan ni.. seorg hamba allah tu dh wat istkharah selama berbulan2 secara berturut2 (kecuali period time la kot..hee)

    kite try buat mcm die nk x??hee

    semoga kite sentiasa berada dlm rahmat n lindungan allah,, aminn

  3. heheh...gembirenye ade kwn2 cm korng nih...huhu...
    thnks syu......fiza....

    syu:...bile tibe masenye akan tahu jgk kan....=p
    fiza:...hmm...btul tu...dulu slalu gk pkir cm tu...sbb nk sedap kan kadang2 jd emo...biasela kite ni manusie...lbh2 bukan alim sgt kan....

    insya'allah....akan cube selalu buat istikharah...lbh2 ak ni mmg jenis yg duk tengah2...susah buat keputusan...skrg da nk 24...lps ni 25....ape la nk buat dgn hidup ni kan...huhu....

    jom...same2 berusehe jd lebih baik...insya'allah.......=))
